IEHF launches new branding!
At the recent Annual General Meeting the Interlake Eastern Health Foundation proudly launched their new branding!
Averill Stephenson, Executive Director IEHF says the board is very excited about the new look and feel for the organization. “The IEHF has grown and evolved over the past several years, and the branding demonstrates where the IEHF is now and where we are going” says Stephenson.
“We take care of each other and help build healthier lives and communities by bridging the gap between health care expectations and reality; fostering meaningful relationships and leading initiatives that support great care, close to home.”
The logo has evolved from the original logo of the IEHF on the left to the new logo on the right.
The marketing and communications committee of the board put a lot of research into the development of the logo and tag line, consulting with community members and defining how the IEHF wanted to be recognized.
Colors were chosen both for aesthetics and for how those colours represent the values of the IEHF.
Brent Wynnyk, Chair of the Board of Directors says that the Interlake Eastern Health Foundation wants to be what comes to mind when you think about contributing to health and care in the Interlake Eastern Region. “As we move forward with our exciting new branding, the IEHF will continue to focus our work to increase recognition and awareness” says Wynnyk.
For additional information on the Interlake Eastern Health Foundation, please contact Averill Stephenson, Executive Director at astephenson@ierha.ca.