Fisher Personal Care Home Receives Generous Community Donation!
The Fisher Personal Care Home today celebrated the donation of three brand new pressure reduction mattresses thanks to Fisher Personal Care Home Foundation Inc.’s generous donation of $5,500. Preventing pressure injuries is an ongoing focus of care in personal care homes where residents may spend a lot of time in bed for a number of reasons. These specialized non-powered air mattresses will be used to help residents who are at high risk of developing pressure injuries. The mattresses are used to maximize pressure relief and redistribute pressure and are an important part of efforts to prevent pressure injuries for residents who are unable to move on their own.
Donna Lindal, clinical team manager at the Fisher personal care home, said that the residents using these new mattresses will benefit greatly from this donation.
“We really appreciate the Foundation’s commitment to our residents and their donation of mattresses. They will be a valuable asset in promoting resident comfort and improving quality of life,” Lindal said.
Pamela McCallum, executive director of the region’s Interlake Eastern Health Foundation echoed these comments, saying that “community donations like these are not just about the giving, they are about making a difference in peoples’ lives.”
The personal care home extended the value of the donation by purchasing three mattresses for the price of two as part of the supplier’s special offer. The mattresses have just arrived and are starting to be used as part of resident care.
L to R: Fisher Personal Care Home Foundation Inc. members Peter Bocek, Dave Plett, Mildred Hnatiuk, Cubby Barrett, and Buddy Chudy, Interlake Eastern Health Foundation executive director Pamela McCallum, and Donna Lindal clinical team manager at the Fisher personal care home. Missing: Julia Stefanac.