Celebrating 50 Years of Love: Anniversary Celebration Gives Back
In a heartwarming tale of love, commitment, and community, Bob and Wendy McLeary recently celebrated their 50th anniversary in a truly special way. As the significant milestone approached, the couple embarked on a journey to create lasting memories and contribute to the betterment of their community.
“We are at the stage of our lives where we are trying to downsize, so we wanted to give our guests the opportunity to do something different from a traditional gift” shared Bob. “We decided to invite our guests to contribute to something near and dear to us – endowment funds we had previously established.”
To facilitate this unique celebration, the foundation developed a custom donation form that was included with invitations. Additionally, copies of the form were made available on the night of the event.
“This worked really well for us,” says Wendy “We want to continue helping improve our community in a meaningful way, and this was a great way to do this.”
Bob and Wendy hope that their story will inspire others to consider similar gestures for their own milestone celebrations. Whether it’s anniversaries, birthdays, Christmas/Hanukkah, Father’s Day/Mother’s Day, or weddings, the idea of making a donation in lieu of traditional gifts or recognition can create a meaningful impact.
Averill Stephenson, Executive Director, IEHF was inspired by the event and the donations that were received in honour of the McLearys. “Bob and Wendy were the first to establish endowment funds at the foundation. They truly exemplify the importance of giving back and fostering a sense of community spirit and we are so grateful to them sharing their anniversary with us!”
An endowment fund is a financial gift that keeps on giving. Gifts to the fund are invested and the earnings earned support the designated cause over the long term. The goal is to ensure a steady and lasting source of income for the chosen purpose, making a lasting impact.
Bob and Wendy McLeary have two funds established at the Interlake Eastern Health Foundation:
McLeary-Dalman Fund – established in 2018 in memory of Bob and Wendy’s parents was created to support the highest priority equipment at Selkirk Regional Health Centre.
McLeary Family Fund – established in 2019 was created to support projects, programs, and treatments related to the development of healthy lifestyles.
For more information about these and other Endowment Funds contact IEHF at 204-458-5139 iehf@ierha.ca.